Here is a picture showing the control panel for the Stop Smoking Plugin. You’ll notice that it has 4 ‘negative’ options and 7 ‘positive’ options.
Normally, all the positive topics would be ON by default, and all the negative ones would be off. But the negative ones can be quite powerful, for some people, but not everyone.
Here’s an example of a ‘negative’, using Analogy.
Here’s an example of a ‘positive’, using Pride.
Building the stop smoking plugin has been a challenge, one that I procrastinated, until I had done a few others first, like weight loss and anxiety. It’s coming along nicely, but I’m committed to improving it year after year, as feedback comes back to me about sentence ideas that work, and those that don’t.
I think this has a chance of actually working, for some people.
Do you remember those ugly pictures that they put onto cigarette packages? They are ‘negative’. They work, but they stop working after a little while, because they lose their newness. I’m hoping that the Moose’s ability to create a million variations of sentences, will preserve the newness factor.
Here’s a Profanity example. Again, it would default OFF, but for those that choose to turn it on, the Moose can put profanity into sentence topics, and they can be quite powerful.
At the moment, the Moose software isn’t available to others, and I’ve only shown it in-person to a few co-workers who smoke. They say politely, there *might* be something of benefit here, but they aren’t enthusiastic to be trying it themselves. I think they’ve lost hope and aren’t wanting to put effort into trying again to quit, because the withdrawal symptoms are really bothersome, and failure of past quitting attempts is painful to remember.
My thoughts are, that the Moose is giving you effortlessly, a mindset of quitting, that accumulates over time until you are ready. So you don’t need to build up willpower, you don’t need to set aside a block of time and build up anger or determination. You’ll just gradually not want to be touching or buying them anymore. That’s my hope anyway. For sure, there is nothing else like this, and it will be interesting to see what happens.