The Moose is Free, and it provides a very enjoyable and relaxed way to receive Humor. Spread out throughout the day, day after day, without effort.
People nowadays have powerful computers, but rarely do they see real-time 3D animation without deliberately installing specific games. So the Moose reminds and validates their computer purchase, by showing off the remarkable 3D animation, every day.
People who hear a joke, and go tell it to others, gain “social capital” by doing so. Telling jokes not only benefits social standing, it truly brings the positive health benefits of laughter to everyone involved.
By having frequent exposure to jokes, people remember them, much much better, and also learn to make new jokes themselves. They are effortlessly learning an important skill.
The moose has lots of other abilities besides telling jokes. Each ability adds to the value and satisfies some specific needs that certain users have.
There will be some things available for purchase, that normal users will like to buy.